Thursday, October 20, 2011

The First Amendment - Freedom & Responsiblity.

When someone thinks of people invoking their first amendment rights, we think of the most extreme cases. Fred Phelps, flag burners, and Occupy Wall Street have become the face of our freedom of speech, and freedom of general. However is this the right idea? Is this what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they gave us a blanket freedom to voice our ideas? Throughout the 20th century we saw the first amendment expanded to include expression, even to the point of desecrating the flag. In the last 50 years a quasi freedom of sexuality has been derrived from the general ideas of freedom. The freedom of religion has expanded to effect tactical decisions in foreign wars, and our continued full embrace of a political ideology that has caused the death of thousands of Americans. 

At face value, it seems like our society takes the first amendment very seriously, but do we on the individual level? Do we fully embrace the personal responsibility involved in the birthright of freedom of speech? The answer is an alarming "NO". We are quick to bring up the constitution whenever we are in a situation that limits our freedom, but when we are confronted with the effects of our personal decisions we just want to pass the blame along to someone else. We don't even take the time to educate ourselves before we chose our leaders (57.4% (of Obama voters) could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing) - Zogby).

When the founding fathers gave us the freedom of speech, they were also putting the responsibility to behave productively and decently. Over the last few decades we have totally lost sight of the fine print there.

So when you see Fred Phelps or an O.W.S. protester with "Fuck This Shit" written on the back of his iPad box, do not use that time to marvel at the first amendment. Instead, use that time to recognize those who are using the constitution to freely exchange ideas in contrast with those who are abusing their rights, and subsequently, the rest of us.